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AHC41316 Certificate IV in Wool Classing

Contact our friendly office staff for the next available course

Course Code: AHC41316 DURATION: Up to 18 Months

Available in SA and Victoria

Available spots

Course Description

AHC41316 Certificate IV in Wool Classing is a nationally accredited course enabling graduates to become a professional wool classer registered with the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). COURSE FEE GUIDE: Concession Student Fee $210 Funded Student Fee $1050 Full Fee Student $1315 International Student $2625 Extra Cost for Course Materials $315 Training is delivered with Victorian, South Australian & Commonwealth Government Funding. To confirm your individual fee contact our office. COURSE DURATION: Over a period of up to 18 months. PRE-REQUISITES: None. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Aged 18 years or over with an understanding of the wool industry. DELIVERY LOCATIONS: Statewide across SA and Victoria. ENROLMENT: This course has rolling enrolments all year at different locations across SA and Victoria. This means you can chose the closest location that you prefer to study and enrol when the next block begins. In SA courses are held in 2 x 5 day blocks followed by in-shed training in your workplace for your practical assessment. In Victoria courses are held either on weekends, night classes or during the week depending on your area. Contact our office to discuss and we will find the best fit to suit your needs. At SCAA Shearer Woolhandler Training Inc. (SCAA SWTI) our focus is on real, hands on training to help you not only gain the knowledge and skills you need, but also to help you gain insights into the wool industry. Our organisation is the leading provider of nationally accredited courses for the wool industry. Our AHC41316 Certificate IV in Wool Classing will provide you with a combination of real hands on experience in-shed and comprehensive theoretical studies that will help you perform and succeed in the wool Industry. Our training places a strong focus on helping you develop personal qualities in leadership, teamwork, organisation, and excellent communication skills. Graduates of our courses are highly sought after by the wool industry due to the high level of training, leading to excellent employment outcomes. The course develop skills in the following areas: • Appraise wool & determine characteristics that effect final product value • Manage shearing & crutching operations • Class wool to industry code of practice standards • Prepare wool clips for sale • Liaise with wool growers & brokers to determine classing strategies • Work safely to meet WHS requirements • Implement & monitor quality assurance processes and much more.

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Our Offices

232 Gray St (PO Box 774)
​​​​​​​Hamilton VIC 3300


73 Smith St (PO Box 1240)

Naracoorte SA 5271

Registered Training Provider No. 4577

ABN: 97 992 112 874

ARBN: 682 577 064


SCAA Shearer Woolhandler Training Inc. is registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and delivers nationally accredited training through Victorian, South Australian  and Commonwealth Government funding arrangements.​​​​​​​ SCAA Shearer Woolhandler Training Inc. is an equal opportunity training provider.

ASQA Audit: 2022 

Financial Audit: December 2023

©2024 by Shearer Woolhandler Training Inc. 

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